Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Free At Last!!

May 1960, Hello my name is Yerachmiel Oded. Cornelius pasted away three days after we have escaped he was a kind man, but when there was no one around and we had successfully escaped I stole his pistol. When he fell asleep I killed him. I felt like crying, but he deserved that making millions of Jews all over the world suffer, killing innocent people, etc. I didn't know what to do until a man in uniform came running to me asking "which way did they go?". I was in shock he didn't have German uniform on I pointed in that direction they all stormed in that direction a nurse came to me. She gave me dozens of shots and food I was crying in joy "You are finally free" said one of the nurses. I got up and gave her a hug and jumped up in joy, but started to cough. One of the nurses whispered to another that I wasn't going to survive for long. I didn't mind, at least I was finally free!

Sincerely: Yerachniel Oded


May 1945, We have just heard that Adlof Hitler has committed suicide. Everyone was in shock, I couldn't believe my ears. We were going to lose this war there was no doubt about it. I had thought on my head about hiding and escaping from this mess. There was this shed that was abandoned maybe I could hide in there, and come out when everyone that has left. I saw this Jewish child that was afraid he looked to be about 5 years old. I couldn't just leave him here to die. I walked up to him and told him "I won't hurt you, if you want to live and get out of here come with me." He told me that his mother died in the camp and his father died today during the march. I gave him some food to eat, I didn't have enough to satisfy him, but he didn't mind, because we were running low on food supplies.

Sincerely: Cornelius Gutenburg

Death March

January 1944, We were in desperate need in aid. We were beginning to think that we were going to lose this war. I didn't know about everybody else, but I thought we were hopeless. We began our journey to another camp, it was a death march. Many Jews were falling to the floor and dying because they couldn't take it. Everyone thought that Adolf Hitler was going to turn everything around. I first thought that Hitler was going to take us to victory, but when we heard that the U.S. has joined to stop him I thought it was all over from there. In my opinion Hitler is going to flee, surrender, or commit suicide.

Sincerely: Cornelius Gutenburg

Trouble all over

December 1943, it has been so cold. I can't live live this. Sometimes I think of running, but I think twice where would I go and what would I do. I was going to go commit suicide once, but I thought about my family. All these Jews that are crying and sick makes me sad what have we done. What have they done to deserve to be in this position. We were hearing that 440,000 Hungarians were getting sent to Auschwitz, a lot of Nazi officers were telling us that that's the biggest and worst concentration camp to stay in if you're a Jew.

Sincerely: Cornelius Gutenburg


April 1943, Everyone started to get frightened, camps started to get liberated. We had no choice so we had to flee. We disposed of all the bodies, burned most of them, buried a lot of them. We left all the people that couldn't walk or had disabilities. I saw a man with no arms and legs that were all stiched up. They told me to get rid of him so I dragged him and lit him on fire in front of everyone they all cheered because I finally killed someone.A group of us were asigned to go kill the ones that couldn't go on the journey. I was not going to kill anyone so I hid in my bed room so no one would find me, and when they were finishing up I just started to dipose of all the bodies. It smelt like burning flesh everywhere, and once I took a step in something that was soft I looked at my foot it was a dead little girl. I started to cry, and a Nazi saw me and laughed at how stupid I looked. I didn't care what he said, this was not right!

Sincerely: Cornelius Gutenburg


December 1941, They opened a new camp called Chelmno. It was an extermination camp. I heard twice as many Jews were killed there then here. I was thinking about all those innocent women and children that were getting killed there. Tomoorow some people were going to get asigned to go work there so they could control all those Jews. I was hoping that it wasn't me, I was praying in my head all night I cried in my sleep. The next morning they woke us up extra early, but no one was tired because some Nazi's were going to get switched to Chelmno. They took away a third of our Nazi officers, but I wasn't in it. A lot of my new friends got taken away they didn't care as much, but they didn't want to leave.

Sincerely: Cornelius Gutenburg

German invasions of The Soviet Union

June 1941, Germany has went to war with Soviet Union we were wining the war. I was happy because maybe this war could end early and I can get out of here. We were increasing the number of prisoner-of-war (POW) camps because they have just occupied Poland as well. So they had to open more concentration camps. I was hearing that Auschwitz was the worst camp. I felt bad for the people there, but I was glad it wasn't me. Everyone was having drinks that night. It was one of the best nights I've had here.

Sincerely: Cornelius Gutenburg

Confused am I wrong or are the Germans?

January 1940, its been about 7 years now since I've wrote to you. Its been like hell here, but we haven't been as much pain as the Jews have been. Sometimes I think "what have the Jews done to deserve this?" I never could answer that question. They have never done anything to harm us Germans. Dachau exceeded 188,000, I was terrified when I first heard of what the gas chambers do. I would think at night if I was a Jew, but other nights I hate them so much because they are the ones making us work in this place.

Sincerely: Cornelius Gutenburg

Shocked and didn't know what to do

July 1933, I haven't wrote in this in a while, but here it goes. The other day day there was this women that disagreed to a Nazi officers orders so the Nazi officer turned to look for any rookie assistance. He glanced at me and told me to "kill her." I was in shock, I didn't know where I was for a second. Then he yelled this time "Kill Her!" She was crying and yelling trying to free herself from him. I took my pistol out slowly. I loaded the gun and before I almost pulled the trigger a spotter from some top building sniped her. right in front of me. She slowly fell and died right there. I didn't know who I was the whole day, but the next morning I remembered where I was again.

Sincerely: Cornelius Gutenburg

First day in Dachau

March 1933, I was sent to Dachau to work as a Nazi soldier. This was the first regular concentration camp that was created by the Nazi's. Everyday more and more Jewish people were getting sent to this camp. I didn't like Jews because my fellow Nazi allies were telling me all theses horrible stories about them. Every time I saw a Jew it made me sick to my stomach. I hated waking up every morning to see myself in this filthy place. I wanted to see my family again, sometimes I thought to myself what would have happened if I kept my mouth shut and never joined this Nazi group. I witnessed some many Jews dying everyday, I lost count the first couple of hours.

Sincerely: Cornelius Gutenburg